Article in The Objective: "Digital revolution, countdown for Europe"


Europe is at a critical juncture in the global technology race. While the United States and China dominate key sectors such as artificial intelligence (AI) and internet innovation, the European Union continues to face regulatory barriers and underinvestment in research and development.

In his latest article published in The Objective, Pablo García Mexía analyzes the challenges facing the EU in terms of digital competitiveness, highlighting worrying figures:

  • More than 100 digital standards and 270 regulators, creating a complex structure and slowing innovation.
  • 60% of companies consider that regulation is an obstacle to their growth and technological development.
  • Spain ranks 69th in the link between university and business, a determining factor for the creation of innovation ecosystems.

To avoid falling behind the technological powers, the EU needs to redefine its strategy and adopt urgent measures in three key areas:

  • Regulatory simplification: cut red tape and establish a more flexible regulatory framework that facilitates investment. 
  • Greater investment in R&D: increase resources for research and technological development.
  • Promoting digitalization: promoting policies that favor the digital transformation of companies and strategic sectors.

Europe's digital future will depend on its ability to adapt to these changes and foster a more favorable environment for innovation.

Whole article available in The Objective</p>