As one of its co-Founders, I keep an intense cooperation relationship with, a relevant think tank devoted to consultancy, dissemination, training, education and publication work on issues related to digital policies and regulation, as well as to public policies of general interest.
For more information, please visit:
I am Editor in Chief since 2015 of Revista de Privacidad y Derecho Digital, a scholarly Review on Privacy and Internet Law, edited by the RDU group. It is a quarterly publication oriented to all those professionals who require content of the highest quality in this realm.
For more information, please visit:

Together with Jaime Rodríguez Arana and the University of Da Coruña, I participate in the spim-off of the University: Ius Publicum Innovatio (IPI), dedicated to transferring the results of scientific research of the professors and researchers that integrate it to society in the form of innovative products or services, providing solutions and legal and technical answers in matters of complexity in Public Law and Public Administration Science.
For more information, please visit: