Since 2004 I have been providing legal advice on matters related to digital regulation to national and international companies.

In this professional work, I liaise with the following professionals:

Luis Felipe López Álvarez
Of Counsel
Bachelor of Law from the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM). Master's Degree in Environmental Law from the Universidad a Distancia de Madrid-UDIMA.
Doctor of Law from the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC).
Professor of Constitutional Law at the USC, and Administrative and Internet Law at the Villanueva University Center (attached to the UCM) and at the UDIMA, of which he is currently a professor.
Author of several publications among which are:
- La configuración constitucional del derecho fundamental a la protección de datos: su concreción legal y formas de ejercicio. Valencia: Tirant lo Blanch. 01/2020.
- Ciberseguridad y protección de datos personales: las evaluaciones de riesgos. 35 páginas. Valencia: Tirant lo Blanch. 11/2018.
- Blockchain y protección de datos, en el nuevo marco regulatorio derivado del reglamento europeo de protección de datos. Madrid, Comunidad de Madrid (España): Wolters Kluwer, 04/2018. ISBN 978-84-9090-283-7.
- Protección de datos personales: adaptaciones necesarias al nuevo reglamento europeo.pp. 1 - 212. Madrid-Comunidad-de-Madrid (España):-Francis-Lefebvre, 05/01/2017. ISBN 978-8416924-08-0
- La responsabilidad del responsable de protección de datos. reglamento general de protección de datos. hacia un modelo europeo de privacidad. , pp. 275 - 294 . Madrid, Comunidad de Madrid(España): Reus , 2016. ISBN 978-84-290-1936-0
- Consideraciones sobre protección de datos y los servicios de cloud. revista de privacidad y derecho digital . 1 , pp. 23 - 65 . Madrid RDU Revistas Especializadas , 2015. ISSN 2444-5762
Reports and professional experience:
- DPO of 3 companies (security companies and sports federations).
- Advisor in Data Protection and preparation of reports for companies including insurance Co. Santalucia, Finect (a very relevant fintech company) or Landatel (a leader in the electronic equipment industry), among many others.

Nuria Díaz- Varela y Arrese
J.D. specialising in Data Protection and Compliance. Guest lecturer at Postgraduate Degree in data protection at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM).
Member of data protection and new technologies task force of the Asociación Española de Compliance (ASCOM).
She has developed her career in the legal departments of companies and law firms.
She is an Internationally Certified Compliance Professional by the International Federation of Compliance Associations and attained the professional Compliance Certification (CESCOM) (2016).
She has studied the Postgraduate in Compliance at Fundación Universidad Carlos III-Universidad Pompeu Fabra (2016), Executive Masters in Labour Relations at Centro de Estudios Garrigues (2012), Executive Masters in Real Estate Business MDNI at Universidad Pontificia de Comillas de Madrid ICAI-ICADE (2010). She also has a Master Degree in laws at Universidad Autónoma in Madrid.
She is a member of ICAM and ASCOM.

Cristina Soto Alvaro
Assistant Researcher
Double degree in Law and Business Administration at Carlos III University of Madrid.
Since September 2023 Technical Secretary in the Journal of Privacy and Digital Law Reviez of RDU Publishing House.
She has done internships at Ibercaja in the area of Private Banking and at LLHH Abogados in the area of Criminal and Civil Law.